Easy Copycat Starbucks 3-Ingredient Iced Latte Recipes {Hack!}

The only keto Starbucks iced latte hack you’ll ever need!

Ingredients Ice  Starbucks Espresso Shots Premier Protein

A sweet and simple latte, made with a secret ingredient and espresso shots over ice.

CHEAP ICED LATTE STARBUCKS HACK By only ordering espresso shots over ice, you’re getting at least 50% savings while staying in ketosis

MAKE YOUR LATTE LOW CARB A latte is a drink typically made with espresso and milk. However, if you’re on the keto diet, you know milk is no-no. That’s where our main ingredient for this easy latte hack comes in!

+ 2-3 shots of espresso +

Sweet and creamy.

Low Carb Quick

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